Island / Streater Cove Policies and Procedures

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Per the approval of our membership on 01/10/2013, a contractor will be hired to install and remove our docks at Streater Cove. Members will still be needed to open/close our island facility, including delivering dock materials, so please watch for this seasonal work party announcement to follow.

The “Rule of 70” reads, “Those current squadron members or returning member applicants who have earned at LEAST 5 Merit Marks and reached the age of 60 or greater within the current calendar year shall be relieved of the requirement of having earned a Merit Mark within the past two years PROVIDED THAT, WHEN THEIR AGE AND YEARS OF SQUADRON MEMBERSHIP ARE ADDED TOGETHER, THAT SUM SHALL EQUAL 70 OR MORE”.

In addition, all members with 25 or more years of squadron membership shall be relieved of the Merit Mark requirement for island use permits.
If you are eligible for either Rule of 70 or you are a 25-year member and claiming such for your Island Use Permit, please state which applies and your member birthdate for Rule of 70. Thank you.

All members that wish to use the Squadron Facility on Big Island, Streater Cove, are required to display the current year sticker and pay the annual user fee to dock boats at this facility.  Further, since the 2010 boating season, the following additional member qualifications apply:

- To be eligible to purchase an island sticker, the active member must have 1) earned a merit mark within the last two calendar years, and 2) must be of education grade "S" or greater.  Members who have passed an exam in any of these advanced courses are eligible for an Island Sticker: Boat Handling, Piloting, Advanced Piloting, Junior Navigation, and/or Navigation.  Elective Courses do not meet the Advanced Course requirement.

- New members have two calendar years from their initiation to the Squadron to complete their first merit mark and achieve the education grade of "S".

Questions related to the above requirements should be forwarded to the Commander ([email protected]) or the Administrative Officer ([email protected]).

Streater Cove is a private facility owned by the Minnetonka Power Squadron (MPS) through the generosity of Ed Streater and other early members of the Squadron. Its use is a privilege available only to active adult members (active members of majority age - 18 years or older) in good standing, who have passed Boat Handling (formerly called Seamanship) and completed one merit mark within the two previous years.  Such members may use Streater Cove as a rendezvous point for social events, education, meetings, and overnighting.  Family members are not permitted to use the island without the active adult member being present. While present on or around Streater Cove, members have a right to expect proper conduct from other members, their families, and guests. Members who conduct themselves in an unbecoming manner or knowingly break local, state or national laws, local or national USPS® by-laws or policy will have their Streater Cove use privilege reviewed and they may be restricted from access to Streater Cove, in addition to other penalties in accordance with the offense.

To be fair to all parties concerned, all complaints must be submitted in a timely manner to the Commander in writing. Include a description of the infraction that took place with supporting information; including a statement from any witness to the offending behavior. All matters will be handled confidentially and the Executive Committee will make all rulings, and those rulings will be final. Please remember that Streater Cove is a commons area for all members to enjoy.


These proceedings are to evaluate island use privileges and are not Disciplinary proceedings in accordance with Section 13.1 of the Minnetonka Power Squadron Bylaws, or Section 15 of the USPS Bylaws.  For matters that are brought to the Commander as specified above, the Commander shall promptly review the issue with the Executive Committee, no later than the next scheduled Executive Committee meeting. At the Executive Committee's discretion, any and all parties to the issue may be contacted to review and verify the allegations in the complaint. The accused member will be asked to respond formally to the allegations in writing as a part of the investigation and may be asked to respond directly to the accuser in a confidential meeting held by the Executive Committee or a sub-committee thereof. All information gathered during such fact gathering is confidential and only to be reviewed by the Executive Committee, or others as seen fit by the Executive Committee. Should a member of the Executive Committee be the subject of the investigation or review, that individual, may not participate in such investigations and will be excused from any Executive Committee votes related to the matter.

The following policy may be used by the Executive Committee, as the unique situation merits, when determining appropriate action to be taken in matters brought to the Commander as indicated above:

Minor Offenses

Include those relating to order, decorum and interpersonal relationships, such as interference with others' enjoyment and use of the Island facilities. Consequences may range from a warning, to a temporary loss of Island Privileges and/or a probationary period; up to and including permanent loss of Island Privileges or commencement of formal Disciplinary action against a member's membership in The Squadron.

Major Offenses

Include those threatening or affecting personal or public safety, or inflicting or threatening harm or damage to persons or property. Any action requiring law enforcement or public safety intervention may be considered a Major Offense. Consequences may range from a minimum of one month removed from Island Privileges and/or one-year probation; up to and including permanent loss of Island Privileges or commencement of formal disciplinary action against a member's membership in The Squadron.


The investigating Squadron members may gather written materials related to the issue of question. At the end of any investigation, or after any disciplinary actions have been fulfilled, should such actions be warranted as a result of the investigation, the Executive Committee may review the materials and choose to either archive the materials with the historian or destroy any or all materials related to the investigation if it is determined such materials are no longer needed for the operation of the Squadron.