Trademark & Disclaimer Statements
Trademarks and Logos
United States Power Squadrons®, USPS®, USPS University®, Chart Smart®, Paddle Smart®, Jet Smart®, Partner in Command®, Watersmart From The Start® and The Ensign® are registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons. America’s Boating Club™ is a trademark of United States Power Squadrons.
The Ensign, flag design, USPS ship’s wheel-and-flag design, United States Power Squadrons and flag, USPS and logos are registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons.
United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club, does not endorse, in whole or in part, any product or service offered or promoted by any of the commercial websites whose links appear herein. The United States Power Squadrons and/or any of its squadrons, districts or committees represented by this site may receive funding or sponsorship, in whole or in part, in return for displaying these links. Commercial websites are at the discretion of the website administrator and the respective organization’s management and are principally oriented toward members and other individuals interested in promoting safe boating.
United States Power Squadrons and its website administrator disclaims any responsibility, in whole or in part, for any products, services or merchandise offered by the aforementioned commercial interests or any of their associated parties or entities. We provide links for the general use of website visitors. United States Power Squadrons and its website administrator have not evaluated the suitability of the information provided by these linked sites, and inclusion of these links does not constitute endorsement. External links are maintained by their respective organizations, who are solely responsible for their content.
The information presented throughout this website is provided by the United States Power Squadrons and its website administrator “as is” and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.
The website administrator welcomes comments and suggestions from the user community. Anything contradicting the stated policies and objectives won’t be responded to or used by this website. By visiting our website, you agree that you have read these terms, you understand them, and that these terms may be revised from time to time.
Policy On Human Rights
USPS, its districts, squadrons, and members shall at all times observe all federal, state and local Human Rights Laws, regulations and ordinances applicable to any USPS activity, procedure or practice. At no level; whether National, District or Squadron, may any person be refused membership, denied office or be prevented from participating in any activity because of any fact or circumstance which would identify that person as one of a protected class of individuals under the Human Rights Laws, regulations or ordinances of any governmental jurisdiction where the person resides, or where USPS conducts business.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of the United States Power Squadrons national website, or your dealings with this website, contact the national secretary.