Where families come together and memories last forever.
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Our boating club has fun together, learns together, and volunteers together.
We are passionate about boating and are enriched when we help others become more confident on the water. We volunteer in the communities around Lake Minnetonka because we want to make our local waters safe and enjoyable, and because we care about our neighbors and the neighborhoods we live in.
America’s Boating Club® is for all types of boaters and their families. We bring novice and experienced boaters together to improve their boating skills, make connections volunteering in the community, and to just enjoy time together.

We’ve been making boating safer and more enjoyable for over 100 years. America's Boating Club® is made up of approximately 25,000 members organized into hundreds of regional "Squadrons" or "Clubs" throughout the United States of America and its territories. Whether you are just looking to take a public boating class or would like to become a member and earn access to our private facility on Big Island, we're glad you're here and look forward to welcoming you at an upcoming class or out on the island. Our public course offerings are listed here.
America's Boating Club® of Minnetonka is part of District 10, which serves Minnesota, Wisconsin and a portion of northeastern Iowa and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Our Squadron's "base" of operations is Lake Minnetonka in the western suburbs Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota (see the map at bottom - zoom all the way in to see our private facility, Streater Cove). From the Twin Cities, our Squadron Members enjoy a wide variety of inland boating: the Great Lakes, major rivers, and a multitude of small and large inland lakes. We've got it all within just a few hours of travel time.

Each year, our 300 members and their families collectively donate thousands of hours volunteering in the communities around Lake Minnetonka. We teach classes, offer on-the-water training, host picnics and social events, and participate in numerous civic service events. We welcome power boaters, sailors, paddlers and members from all walks of life. Please take a look around - and JOIN US!
America’s Boating Club® is a registered trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®.