August 31, 2023 @ 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Caribbean Marina/Streater Cove
Tasks and Personnel Distribution (10 to 12 people wanted):
- Big Island Cabin: 4 to 5 individuals are needed at Shawn’s cabin to gather, cut, and split the wood.
- Squadron Location: A separate team will be at the Squadron, organizing existing logs, cutting them down to size, and splitting. We will provide chainsaws and a splitter for this purpose.
- Ferrying: 1 to 2 individuals are required to transport the wood and boat between the Squadron and the cabin.
- Island Unloading: 3 to 4 individuals will be stationed at the island to unload, stack, and split the wood.
The marina (Shawn) will provide work boats to shuttle participants as needed.
Contact: Email Ian Villamil [email protected] with questions and to register. Call at 612.221.7511